


Boom or Doom: Are the Chicken Bake and Double Chunk Chocolate Cookie worth the hype?

Fueled by our love for good food and TikTok, we took inspiration from the internet sensation “Costco Guys” and decided to answer the question: Do the Chicken Bake and the Double Chunk Chocolate Cookie live up to the hype? So, we ventured to Costco ourselves…


Starting with the Chicken Bake, this item consists of chicken breast, bacon, cheddar cheese, and Caesar dressing all wrapped and baked in a stromboli-like pizza dough. At $3.99 and 840 calories, you might expect to be pleasantly surprised by the mixing of the flavors, but instead, the piping hot sandwich has all of the ingredients jumbled together so disproportionately that you canít taste each individual ingredient. As a matter of fact, we couldnít tell what was even in the sandwich until I went back to look at the description in the Costco food court. As a whole, this item is not worth trying if you find yourself at Costco.          


Moving onto the Double Chunk Chocolate Cookie, this 7-inch in diameter, 750-calorie cookie sits just under the Chicken Bake in price at $2.49, but is unfortunately adjacent in taste. We expected the cookie to be soft and chewy throughout, but instead were met with a crunchy and stale outside layer. The only positive aspect of this cookie was the warm center portion. However, the inch-long layer around the outside of the cookie was nothing short of inedible; it was not warm, far too crunchy, and overall an overrated item. Although we love when A.J. says “Double Chunk Chocolate Cookie,”  the dessert was a disappointment.

In conclusion, the Chicken Bake felt like it was trying too hard to be everything at once, while the Double Chunk Chocolate Cookie left us wishing for more freshness. If youíre at Costco, do yourself a favor: skip these overhyped items and go straight for the pizza. Sorry A.J. and Big Justice, we were quite disappointed with these items, and they both get 5 BIG DOOM’s on the boom meter. Sometimes, sticking to the classics is your safest bet when it comes to the Costco food court.

A Winter Recipe: Skillet Brownies!

CAUGHT in the Caf

CAUGHT in the Caf