


Welcome New Faculty: Ms. Jemn Natividad

Welcome New Faculty: Ms. Jemn Natividad

Riverdale Review: What brought you to Riverdale? What and where was your previous job?

Ms. Jemn Natividad: Before Riverdale, I was teaching at a public school in Queens, where I grew up. I was drawn to the experiential education that Riverdale provided, and seeing how students got to make connections about their learning outside of the classroom made me want to be part of it.

RR: What’s one thing all students/teachers should know about you?

JN: It’s important to be present and make adjustments for the students you have in front of you, not those you taught years ago, or the type of students you wish you had. I really want to meet students where they are at in their journey and make learning real and relevant to their life.

RR: What advice do you have for Upper School Students?

JN: When you think you know everything, you stop learning. There is always someone you can learn from. 

Welcome New Faculty: Lee Beckwith

Welcome New Faculty: Lee Beckwith

Welcome New Faculty: Ms. Annika Voorheis

Welcome New Faculty: Ms. Annika Voorheis