Nina Markovsky: Johns Hopkins Univ. - Fencing
Riverdale Review: How long have you been playing your sport?
Nina Markovsky: Seven years
RR: What’s your favorite thing about your sport?
NM: I like that it’s very strategic; you have to actually think about what you’re doing.
RR: Do you have a favorite memory?
NM: Going to the Maccabee games. Or doing team events with my friends.
RR: And who has been your greatest inspiration or role model during your athletic career?
NM: Okay, this might be a weird answer, because she’s not a fencer, but my mom. Just because I feel like I see the way she works hard at everything she does. Her work, her, her athletic stuff, like running or whatever. And, I don’t know, it makes me feel like I should be doing the same, if that makes sense.