


Eric Wallick: Vassar College - Baseball

Eric Wallick: Vassar College - Baseball

Riverdale Review: How long have you been playing your sport?  

Eric Wallick: I have been playing baseball now for fifteen years

RR: What’s your favorite thing about your sport? Favorite memory? 

EW: I would say my favorite thing is that you have so much time with your teammates. Being in a sport where you spend so much time with each other is probably my favorite part of it. I’d probably say my favorite memory was winning the Ivy League championship last year. That was great.

RR: Who has been your greatest inspiration or role model during your athletic career? 

EW: I would say my greatest inspiration is David Wright who was a Mets baseman. I learned a lot from watching him, like how to be a leader. He was the captain of the team, and his leadership kind of taught me a lot about what it’s like to be on a team and [to lead] a team.

RR: What are you most looking forward to about continuing your athletic career at Vassar College? 

EW: I would say just like the opportunity to keep playing, you know, having new teammates, and being able to play another four years – something I love doing.

RR: Were there ever moments when you doubted yourself and your athletic talent? If so, what did or do you do to get past those doubts? 

EW: When I was on my out-of-school team, almost everyone was committed to playing college already. I was kind of sitting there, not knowing what to do. I found I kept trying to bring myself back to baseball when I was a kid and when there wasn’t much pressure on me. And I was just enjoying it and trying to take away that pressure I was putting on myself, and to try to find a school that was good for me. I found it makes you play better and you have more fun doing it.

RR: What advice would you give to anyone beginning or interested in the recruitment process?

EW: I would say make sure you want to do it. Don’t do it just to try, really be willing to face adversity and be told no. Because you will be told ‘no’ by at least someone. the effort that you’ve done forever. Don’t be afraid of failure.

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