


Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Riverdale Review: What is a moment you will never forget from your years at Riverdale?

Profe Miguel Windt-Sanchez: There are many moments I will never forget. It is mostly interactions that I have had. There are projects that are really cool. I love working with middle schoolers and Middle School Project Week for example. Collaborating on the dumpling project with Ms. Lu Li. There are many other interactions that I have had with upper schoolers as well!

RR: What is your favorite class that you have taught and why?

MWS: I think Spanish IV has been one that I have really loved. Particularly the history unit on Chile in the 1970’s I found to be very interesting and engaged the students very well last year. I mean honestly, there have been many other classes I have really enjoyed as well. I enjoyed working with the middle schoolers as well in Spanish IB, it has been really fun for sure. 

RR: Do you have any funny stories that occurred at Riverdale that you would like to share?

MWS: There are many many funny things. There was a team of us at Community Day last year, me and many other teachers were dressed as superheroes were just making fun of ourselves, laughing at ourselves, and I think the students appreciated this.

RR: What is one thing you hope the students you have interacted with remember you by?

MWS: I think mostly as a human-being, as a person who can exercise empathy like anybody else. Someone can be a little older than them but someone they were able to approach in a human connection.

RR: What will you be doing next?

MWS: I am moving out of state to Kentucky. That is where my wife’s family is from. I have two little daughters and have family there, so it is really appealing to us now to live near family. Yes I am going to be teaching at a school there called Louisville Collegiate and that’s the plan!

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories