


Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Riverdale Review: “What is your favorite class that you have taught and why?”

Ms. Sybille Bruun-Moss: “I teach Foundations of Learning for the sixth grade. But, my work has been more focused on individual connections and help for students more than being an in-class teacher.”

RR: “What is one thing you hope the students you have interacted with remember you by?” 

SBM: “I hope they remember the value of doing something you truly love because I truly love because I really love my job here and always have.”

RR: “What is a moment you will never forget from your years at Riverdale?”

SBR: “The first day we came back in person after the pandemic is probably a moment I will never forget. I recognize that that was a bit tainted because we came back in increments in some ways, but I remember the first faculty meeting when we were back together again, and that was really momentous. And, being able to see students back on campus again was probably one of the greatest days of my life.”

RR: “Do you have any funny stories that occurred at Riverdale that you would like to share?”

SBR: “So many funny things happen at Riverdale, but I think in your work with children as an educator, so often what is funny is individual moments that are very specific to students. But, overall, because it is a job with so many serious aspects, it’s not that funny moments didn’t happen, it’s just not something that I focus on.”

RR: “What will you be doing next?”

SBR: “I am going to Elisabeth Morrow School to be their director of support and hopefully [figure] out how to keep working on changing the world for the good”

RR: “Do you have any words of wisdom you would like to leave the RCS community with?”

SBR: “I think, to be kind is hard, but we should always put in the effort.”

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

Departing Faculty Describe Their Fondest Riverdale Memories

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